International Projects
The Heritage School actively participates in global programmes and connects with children around the world. Our internet-based projects with partner schools in Russia, the USA, and Palestine as well as our exchange programmes with Germany and England give students a wide exposure in the field of international school partnerships and global learning.
Our teachers working on international projects or accompanying students on exchange programmes, have easy access to teaching and learning practices from round the globe. Our curriculum is modern and reflects global trends in education.
Our Programmes:
British Council Connecting Classrooms project with Whitecross Hereford High School, Herefordshire, England which was started in 2007 and has seen five exchange visits between 2007 and 2013.
British Council International School Award: We won the three-year accreditation in 2008-’09 and again in 2012’ ‘13 and are recognized as a school that has successfully integrated internationalism into its curriculum. As part of the ISA programme we connected with schools worldwide: in the USA, Canada, Ghana, Columbia, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, England, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Poland, Italy, Turkey and Russia, to name a few.
Partnership with Germany: Our connection with Sophie Scholl Gesamtschule, our partner school in Wennigsen (near Hannover) is six years old. We have had four student exchange visits between May 2011 and May 2014.
Satisfied with our work in the field of international cooperation, the Bosch Foundation gave us a grant in 2011 to work on an environment-based project with Germany. The students of Class XI assembled solar cookers and lanterns, which were then handed over to some families in the adjacent village of Chowbaga. Integrating international project work with community service has taken international cooperation to a new level.
T.H.S.Mushroom, the business enterprise of The Heritage School, was started in 2011 with a handful of students and two teachers. A project with a heart, it offers tremendous learning opportunities in the guise of managing a business enterprise and nurtures skills beyond one’s imagination. Some of the key areas are: developing product quality through research, developing marketing strategies through creative advertising and packaging, developing communication and presentation skills through blogging and above all, learning to value social commitment over profit through social as opposed to commercial business enterprise. Based on the principle, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”, Teach A Man To Fish, an international non-profit organisation, was founded in London in 2006. Their mission: to make a long term impact on global poverty by supporting pioneering education projects in developing countries. T.H.S. Mushroom was formed to connect The Heritage School to this worldwide network of schools, students and teachers whose aim is to take learning beyond the classroom. From 2011 to 2014 has been an eventful journey, the milestones being an acknowledgement of the hard work in the form of the ‘Business Development Plan’ award and an invitation to attend the ‘Education That Pays For Itself’ conference in Tanzania in October 2012.