The German Connection
The Heritage School – partners with the Goethe Institut : Our school is one of the four schools in the city to have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Goethe Institut, Kolkata, introducing German as a foreign language and training two of its teachers to learn German. The school is now a PASCH school and works very closely with the Goethe Institut, Kolkata on various projects and programmes. Our partnership with Sophie Scholl Gesamtschule(SSGS), Wennigsen started in the year 2008 and we have collaborated on many projects since. The Exchange programme with Germany, now in its 10th year, is a fine example of meaningful collaborative work involving pupils who belong to vastly different cultures and education systems. This programme illustrates how with active engagement and commitment, the so-called barriers of language, culture, climate and distance can all be conquered to build friendships and sustainable partnerships.